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⚠️ Emergency Alert 02-06-2025: All water main repairs have been completed. You may resume normal usage. We greatly appreciate your cooperation and understanding while we worked to fix these mains.

Solid Waste & Recycling

Transfer Station Rules and Guidelines

It is the goal of the City of Calais to reduce the cost of municipal solid waste for the taxpayer to the lowest practical level. To that end we have adopted a pay-by-the-bag program to cover tipping fees at the landfill. In addition we encourage recycling and are trying to expand cost effective ways to remove more trash from the waste stream. These guidelines and rules were established to reach this goal.

  • Who can use the Calais Transfer Station? – Calais residents, property owners and businesses only.
  • Is a permit required? – Yes.
  • Where can I get a permit? – The Calais City Building, 11 Church Street.
  • Where can I get a permit? – The Calais City Building, 11 Church Street.
  • What do I need to get a permit? – A valid motor vehicle registration.
  • Is there a charge for the permit? – No.
  • Is there a charge to use the transfer station?  – Yes, to throw away trash, but not to recycle it.
  • What is the fee for disposing of trash?  – $1.50 per bag for household waste, with other fees as detailed in the chart below.
  • How do I pay the fee?  – The fee is collected from the sale of trash stickers at $1.50 apiece (each bag you throw away at the transfer station must have a sticker on it).
  • Where can I purchase a trash sticker? – Stickers are available right at the transfer station, as well as the Calais City Building, Ace Hardware, Johnson’s True Value, the Calais IGA and Tradewinds.
  • What items can I leave at the transfer station for recycling at no charge? – No. 1 & No. 2 plastics, metals, cans, glass and paper (including newsprint).  Each of these items has its own receptacle so you’ll have to sort them in advance or on-site before disposing of them. There are also areas for unpainted wood, trees, brush (excluding stumps) and yard debris.  Leaves and garden waste can be added to a compost pile at the transfer station.


Transfer Station Fees

Permit Sticker (must show vehicle registration) No Charge
City trash stickers $1.50
White goods and other metals such as washers, dryers, stoves, large propane tanks, refrigerators, freezers, and air conditioners with freon removed. No Charge
Furniture and other similar items such as couches, chairs, carpet and mattresses $5.00
Televisions and computer screens (household) $5.00
Small propane tank No Charge
Refrigerators, freezers & air conditioners with freon $10.00
Standard Tires (Up to 22.5″) ** $3.00 ($4.00 if on a rim)
Large (Above 22.5″) ** $10.00 ($11.00 if on a rim)


**Tires: Allowance of up to 30 tires per month. Payment for tires will only be accepted at the Transfer Station during regular operating hours.. 

Disposal of demolition debris is by far the most expensive item in the Transfer Station budget. Each ton of this waste must be buried in a landfill.  As a result, commercial haulers and contractors are prohibited from using the facility.

*** Demolition debris must NOT be in a bag ***

Demolition Debris Includes:

  • Painted wood
  • Insulation and other demolition waste
  • Furniture (fees apply)
  • Mattresses (fees apply)
  • Carpets (fees apply)
  • Bulky plastics
  • Recycling opportunities

Demolition Debris Excludes:

  • Debris from contractors performing work for others
  • Hazardous paints, liquids and other materials
  • Asbestos-containing materials
  • Asphalt shingles
  • Household trash
  • Yard debris

*In some cases the demolition debris load must be pre-inspected by the Public Works Director