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⚠️ Emergency Alert 02-06-2025: All water main repairs have been completed. You may resume normal usage. We greatly appreciate your cooperation and understanding while we worked to fix these mains.

Public Works

The Public Works Department is responsible for the operation and maintenance of city buildings, parks, street maintenance, and vehicle maintenance.

Public Works installs and repairs street signs, maintains landscaping and street trees throughout the City. Sidewalk and street repairs are also performed as needed. City personnel also removes hazards from the public right-of-way or, if necessary, will notify the appropriate agency for correction.

Public Works is also responsible for all snow plowing on public roads and snow removal. Please do not plow, shovel or snowblow your driveway or walkways onto the road. Salt sand is available to the public for residential use. Limit 1/2 yard per storm.

Robert Seelye
Public Works Director, Public Works
(207) 454-2763