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⚠️ Emergency Alert 02-06-2025: All water main repairs have been completed. You may resume normal usage. We greatly appreciate your cooperation and understanding while we worked to fix these mains.


The Administration Department is here to serve you. Our duties are mainly related to overall city administration, so if you are unsure which department or individual to contact for assistance, the Administration Department is the place to turn.

The City Building is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

City Manager

The City Manager is the chief administrative officer of the City. The City Manager reports to the City Mayor and the City Council, implements the directives and actions of the City Council and is responsible for the daily operations of the City. The City Manager is to provide guidance and information to the City Council, provide resources to the city staff, administer the business affairs of the City, and act as a conduit for information between individuals, departments, and officials.


The Development Office is responsible for all aspects of Economic and Community Development for the City. Whether it is permitting, site assistance, promotion, grant or demographic and economic information, this office is the place to start. The Office is also responsible for the CDBG Grant writing and administration.

City Clerk, Treasurer, Welfare & Accounts Payable

This office is responsible for birth licenses, death certified copies, marriage licenses, fishing and hunting licenses, dog licenses, the election process (including voter registration), general assistance and accounts payable.

Assessor, Code Enforcement Officer, LPI, Deputy LHO, 911 Addressing Officer

The mission of the City of Calais Assessor’s Office is to maintain fair and equitable assessed valuations and accurate ownership information that are the basis of the allocation of municipal property tax burden in accordance with state law. The Office maintains extensive information on all properties in Calais which is readily available for inspection or review by taxpayers and the public. Informational requests related to property taxes, tax policy or law, tax exemptions, etc. are processed as quickly as possible.

The Code Enforcement Office issues Building and Plumbing Permits as well as Occupancy Permits for new and renovated buildings. It also enforces all City adopted Land Use Codes including the Shoreland Zoning that regulates land use activities within 250 feet of great ponds, rivers, freshwater and coastal wetlands including all tidal waters and within 75 feet of streams as defined in the ordinance.

Finance, Human Resources, Public Access Officer

The Finance Department and Human Resources office is responsible for human resources, payroll, budget preparation, and bookkeeping, as well as the City’s insurance specialist. The Public Access Officer is responsible for responding to requests for information under the Maine Freedom of Access Act (FOAA).

Tax & Revenue Collection

The revenue collector’s office focuses on the receiving of various payments to the city including tax and water/sewer payments, vehicle registrations and various other fees. The office also maintains the water & sewer accounts and processes their billing on a quarterly basis.


Michael Ellis
City Manager
207-454-2521 ext. 1001
Denise Barker
Director, Downeast Economic Development
Brad Phillips
City Clerk
207-454-2521 ext. 1000
Andrea Walton
Assessor, Code Enforcement Officer, Local Plumbing Inspector, Deputy Local Health Officer, 911 Addressing Officer
207-454-2521 ext. 1006
Crystal Gallina
Finance Director
207-454-2521 ext. 1003
Greg Williams
Revenue Collector
207-454-2521 ext. 1005
Jim Porter
Interim City Manager
207-454-2521 ext. 1001
Tentatively: Mon, Wed & Fri 8AM-5PM